Well Eddy has stollen our hearts!!!!!!
He is the best, he even pees and poops out in
the run. We were shocked! I put him in the
grass and he doesn't know what to do so he lays
down. He peed and pooped in the kitchen on Sat,
but after that we had no problems. He loves his
cage and as of today he has not soiled it. He
is of merry spirit and lovable beyond
We took him to the vet today and all was
well but, the vet said he has a very slight
heart murmur. She said this will probably
go away and she will check him again @ 12
weeks when he gets his shot. I am not
concerned. The vet said it is up to us
about the Lepto shot. My sister in law does
not give her dogs the Lepto shot either. I
understand the risks both pro and con but;
you have alot of experience in this
area;and I plan on following your
advice. Eddy will not be exposed to
the environment conducive to these
We have Grayslake feed store by us
and they carry merrick dog food so we are
good to go in this area.
Barb , we are so happy with Eddy my mother
in law is smiling all the time when I place
him in her lap. I have to include a
couple of pictures.
